Moreover, there are non-financial benefits of NTFP trade that are commonly overlooked. We used survey data from 400 charcoal- and non-charcoal-producing households and results from participatory rural appraisals to demonstrate the economic importance of charcoal to rural livelihoods in a key charcoal-producing area in Ghana. Frank Ellis. A livelihood is sustainable when it enables people to cope with and recover from shocks and stresses (such as natural disasters and economic or social upheavals) and enhance their well-being and that of future generations without undermining the natural environment or resource base. It can help plan development activities and assess the contribution that existing activities have made to sustaining livelihoods. Rural livelihoods To measure the significance of rural livelihood, few statements regarding rural livelihood were asked from the respondents given in Table 1, which shows that that majority 85.7% of respondents were agreed about the statement that agriculture is the main source of livelihood They use catamarans and nets for fishing. Many of the rural poor depend directly or indirectly upon peasant livelihoods. Most of these people are members of what we call peasant farm households or are dependent upon the activities of peasant farm households. They also act as strategic household investment. A livelihood skill as socially defined is also a pervasive ascriptive determinant of livelihood activities [5]. Such activities could include securing water, food, fodder, medicine, shelter, clothing. Rural livelihood systems: A conceptual framework (PDF) Rural livelihood systems : A conceptual framework As can be seen in the figure, the livelihood system is embedded in a wider environment and interfaces with other systems. It is clear, however, that the linkages between agricultural intensification and livelihood diversification strategies need to be researched further (Tiffen et al 1994). More and more people living in rural areas travel to small towns and service centres in search of consumer goods, services and labour opportunities. This is necessary for communication and partnership. Enset (Ensete ventricosum Welw. The importance of livestock in rural livelihoods and food security lies in the provision of meat, milk, eggs, hides & skins, draught power, and manure. To assess the importance of the cooperative societies for rural India. The local people in this constituency depend on indigenous fruits in their day-to-day life and also contribute to household income. We review and synthesize recent South African work that examines the role and importance of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) in the daily lives of rural people in South Africa. In the UPWARD publication "Sustainable livelihood for rural households: contributions from rootcrop agriculture" (UPWARD, 1998), the concept of sustainability receives more attention than that of livelihood. The livelihood and community development projects implemented by HPPI have a holistic approach encompassing many components of health, education, skills training, capacity building and awareness. As the drylands offer little opportunity for crop farming, pastoralism is the common mode of land production system in the Horn. Plantations support local economies and rural livelihoods in many mountainous regions, where poverty and a fragile environment are often interlinked. of rural people's livelihoods. The theoretical framework outlined above will be used to investigate the significance of diversification for rural livelihood systems. Rural livelihood diversification is defined as the process by which rural households construct an increasingly diverse portfolio of activities and assets in order to survive and to improve their standard of living. It is also needed for analysis of what they are doing and why, for identification of strategies for improvement, and for prediction of their responses to change. Baumgartner (2004:17) argues that rural development should rather be aimed at supporting rural communities as they continually adapt their survival strategies in order to create a more sustainable livelihood. Fishing as a rural livelihood - definition Apart from farming, many people in rural areas depend upon collection from the forest, animal husbandry, dairy produce, fishing etc. Moreover, the current economic crisis and its gender impact in rural areas highlight the importance of food security, and the gender asymmetries in rural livelihoods, particularly agriculture. CX@�:�@B3i�iF����Jj00n�Ң@,1������ʬ��+����������"Vt�!�]��)�iu���Z�2*Q�*�Y�6nw������I@܆�)S�?�(�@� �k7 Ros-Tonen K. Freerk Wiersum Paper presented at The International Conference on Rural Livelihoods, Forests … Specific attention will be paid to perspectives that may shed new light on the issue of rural livelihood diversification: a gender perspective, a temporal perspective, and the 'HIV/AIDS lens'. To evaluate the efforts of a cooperative society towards improving rural livelihood. The understanding of this issue is important in the Namibian context because livelihood skill development has been considered one of the important hindrances facing rural … Rural livelihood system is dependent on input and output chains which are centered on utilization of natural resources.